Palu (PR) – Datokarama State Islamic University (UIN) Palu, one of the leading universities in the city of Palu, Central Sulawesi province, received the honor of presenting an article at the Annual International Conference Islamic Studies (AICIS), in Bali in October 2022.

Vice Rector I for Academic Affairs and Institutional Development of UIN Datokarama Palu, Prof. Dr. H. Abidin Djafar, S.Ag, M.Ag, explained that one of the flagship and routine programs of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs is the Annual International Conference Islamic Studies (AICIS), which will be held in October 2022 in Bali.

All State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN), said Prof. Dr. Abidin, will participate and send their envoys for article presentations, including young lecturers at UIN Datokarama Palu.

“Alhamdulillah, young lecturers at UIN Datokarama Palu participate in this activity by successfully completing articles and submitting them through the AICIS website and being declared accepted,” said Prof. Dr. H Abidin Djafar, Monday (27/6/2022).

“The spirit of these young lecturers will upraise themselves and the institution in the future. Their spirit in developing themselves and the institution is shown by the creating a WA group called CREATIVE YOUNG LECTURERS OF UIN DK PALU,” said Prof. Abidin.

“They join this group to motivate and support each other as well as collaborating in compiling articles. They determine to publish one article one semester in a reputable international journal, Sinta indexed journal and local journal. “We hope they will continue to be enthusiastic in pursuing these noble idealism,” continued Prof. Abidin Djafar.

Prof. Dr. Abidin suggested to make all activities based on fulfilling the requirements of assistant professor, associate professor, and professor. This means that there is no room for lecturer activities that is not in tune with the requirements for promotion at the level of assistant professors, associate professors, and professors.

“For that, If you do what is required, insya Allah, one day the time will come to enjoy the results. Most importantly, stay happy.” explained Prof. Dr. Abidin Djafar.

The following is a list of young lecturers of UIN Datokarama Palu who have successfully compiled, submitted and are ready to present articles at AICIS-Bali in October 2022:

  1. Starfruit Juice (AverhoaI bilimbi L) In Reducing The Number Of Air Germs In The Bougenville Careroom At H. Andi Sultan Daeng Raja Bulukumba Hospital. Author: Andi Besse Tenri Luwu, M.Kes.
  2. Islamic Law And Digital Culture Towards Harmonization Of Communication Between Religious Communities. Author: Prof. Dr. H. Abidin, S.Ag., M.Ag
  3. Moderate Role Of Halal Awareness In The Relationship Of Purchase Intention, Personal Norms And Muslim Buying Behavior (Sub Themes: Knowledge Management- Halal Industry and Digital Ecosystem). Authors: Dr. Sofyan Bachmid, Noval, MN
  4. The influence of life style and product quality on purchasing decisions of smartphone iPhone in palu city. (Sub themes: halal n life style) Authors: Noor Riefma Hidayah, ME, Harifuddin Thahir, M KEU
  5. Correlation of Sensitive Intervention from Changes in Indonesia Health Program Indicator Using Family Approach with Changes in Stunting Prevalence at 10 Stunting Prevention Areas in Banggai 2018-2019 Author: Deby Rezki Ananda, M.Kes
  6. Independent Learning Curriculum-Independent Campus (MBKM): Challenges and Expectations of Islamic Universities in Indonesia. (Sub Themes Knowledge Management: Islamic Educational Institution And Market Orientation). Author: Masmur. M. Pd
  7. The influence of halal certification and food content through consumer interest on consumer decision in buying korean packed food in the mileneal generation of Palu city (sub themes halal and life style). Authors: Rizki Amalia, Dede Arseyani, MM
  8. Analysis of factors that influence students’ interest in transacting at the Market Place (Student study, FEBI UIN Datokarama Palu). Author: Abdul jalil, MM
  9. Development of Social Inclusion Education for The Children of Former Poso Terroris at The Husnayain Foundation, Regency Sigi, Central Sulawesi. Author: Ardillah Abu, M.Pd
  10. Fulfillment of the Rights of Orphans in Palu City in Realizing Social Resilience After Natural Disasters (Tsunami) and Covid-19. Author: M. Hidayat.

Source: PR