FTIK UIN Palu Optimizes Implementation of Independent Curriculum in the Region

Palu (UIN Datokarama Palu PR) – The Faculty of Education and Teacher Training (FTIK) at the State Islamic University (UIN) Datokarama is contributing to the optimization of the Independent Curriculum’s implementation in local educational institutions.

“The implementation of the Independent Curriculum must be carried out optimally through the role and function of teachers in educational institutions,” stated Dr. Askar, the Dean of FTIK UIN Datokarama in Palu, Central Sulawesi.

To enhance the implementation of the Independent Curriculum in local educational institutions, FTIK UIN Datokarama is focusing on increasing the capacity and understanding of teachers through the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program.

Capacity-building efforts are being conducted through a workshop titled “Workshop on the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum for PPG Batch 2 at LPTK UIN Datokarama Palu in 2023,” held on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at the Swiss-Bel Hotel.

“We hope that through this workshop, instructors in the PPG program can provide content to enhance the capacity of PPG teachers related to the Independent Curriculum,” Dr. Askar explained.

The Independent Curriculum, initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbudristek), aims to provide educators with the freedom to create quality learning experiences that align with the needs and learning environments of students.

The characteristics of the Independent Curriculum focus on the development of soft skills and student character, emphasizing essential content and flexible learning approaches.

“PPG teachers are expected to play a role in optimizing the implementation of the Independent Curriculum,” he added.

Meanwhile, UIN Datokarama’s Rector, Professor Sagaf S. Pettalongi, emphasized that in the education and learning process, both lecturers and teachers must professionally perform their duties and responsibilities.

Professionalism, he noted, should be accompanied by capacity building, enabling lecturers and teachers to have broad insights and experiences. Consequently, in addition to teaching, lecturers and teachers can also offer solutions to challenges encountered in the learning process.

“Therefore, lecturers and teachers are required to innovate in their teaching processes, and incorporating classroom research in the process. This way, lecturers and teachers can become problem-solvers in response to challenges while optimizing human resource development,” stated Sagaf.

Furthermore, he pointed out that in the current era of globalization, lecturers and teachers are expected to adapt, including the use of technology in the learning process.

“Hence, digital literacy is of utmost importance to support learning achievement targets,” he added.

UIN Palu, he noted, continues to strive to optimize teacher development through the PPG program with the aim of producing competent teachers who meet the needs of the community.